Finding Joy in Your Own Backyard

Finding Joy in Your Own Backyard

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Finding Joy in your own back yard

I took these pictures last summer.  While sitting on the back patio, I was overcome with how perfect and beautiful this flower was.  We had only lived in our current home for about a year, and these plants already existed before we moved in.  I had never seen it bloom until that day.  I grabbed my iPhone and snapped away.  I've wanted to start a blog for months and decided at that moment that this flower would one day be the subject of one of my blogs.  So I imported the pictures from my phone and they've sat on my computer since. 
Eventually, I announced to my accountability partners that I wanted to blog.  Well, they've held me accountable and you're now reading my very first attempt at blogging.

Now that it's winter, albeit rather mild for us here in Southern California, this picture takes me to a warm, tranquil place.  It gives me joy!

I invite you to look around your back yard, whether it's large or small, grass or cement.  You may live in an apartment and only have a shared courtyard.  You may live in government subsidized housing and only have a window that looks out over a run-down playground.  You get the idea.  It may not be just ouside your door, but at least on your block...within your sight.  Find one thing, take notice and really admire the natural beauty that's all around you.  Because like this bloom, it won't always be there.